How do I see what my output file looks like?
Simply email info.gdtimagepro@gmail.com with a current orders txt. File from your Amazon Seller Central and an output file will be emailed back to you within 2 business days! Please include your legal company name, billing address and primary contact information.
Why do you need our Merchant Id?
We use the Merchant Id to identify whose orders are being processed and to ensure that we send your data to validate and authenticate recipient
Do you store any of our data on your servers?
No, we only store order item numbers and your Merchant Id. EXCEPT Image uploads that are stored for 10 days to allow users to access and process these images in production.
What if I have more than 1 Merchant Id?
No problem we link them together and treat all of these as being 1 customer for billing purposes.
How do I get my orders txt. File from Amazon Seller Central?
We provide a HOW TO document just follow this link: How to download your orderstxt. File. From Amazon
What about multiple order items?
The application generates a separate line or row of output for each order item generated.
What about multiple custom surfaces?
The application generates a separate line or row of output for each customizable surface on a custom product.
For more information please email info.gdtimagepro@gmail.com